i am Roger Li

GoDaddy竟然可以咁離譜! 我絶對唔贊成選擇佢!(有Email內容)

好多年前因為貪平貪方便,加上入世未深,選用了GoDaddy嘅shared web hosting,一直都冇咩大問題。

近排發現sign in後看到的版面轉成了cPanel,心想,佢地終於upgrade喇!


2021年11月中,我發現寄存在Godaddy shared hosting的網站down了,查看一下hosting內的檔案文件,看到檔案不齊全,於是便到Godaddy網站找support回報問題。之後把受影響的website從自己的備份修復了便放下一段時間。


I completely understand your concern I have escalated to my team and you will get the update to your email Id. We have requested them to get itin priority and put in another department, as soon as possible you will get the response from team.



Discussion NotesSupport Staff Response
Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for contacting support. I am a member of our Hosting Support team and appreciate you contacting us regarding 4GH.  Your source account has been removed and is no longer accessible.  This was moved on November 12th into your new account, then suspended until end of life.  At the moment  there isn't a copy available as these servers are unplugged and no longer carry data.

Please note that we no longer offer email support.  If you run into anything else please reference this ticket with the phone support team at 480-505-8877.


Edward F.
Hosting Support


難以至信! Godaddy指已經unplug server,無法再取得data!

Godaddy好用嗎? 我絕對唔會推薦!

一間可以就咁幫客人lost data嘅web hosting公司,我絕對唔會推薦!


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