i am Roger Li

IBM Lotus Notes Client Hang when paste document into .nsf

今天在 IBM Lotus Notes Client 8.5.2 FP1 從A.nsf複製Group到B.nsf,當貼上時Client會hang了,需要Ctrl+Break 才可繼續運作。
Google了,找到以下可在Designer 修改少許以solve 這crash的解缺方法:

Resolving the problem
This issue has been reported to Quality Engineering as SPR# MOBN87BNC8.

In order to correct this problem, the Domino Directory template (pubnames.ntf) needs to be modified. Once it is open in the Domino Designer, perform these steps:

1. Open the (RenamePastedAccounts) agent

2. In the Initialize subroutine, move the call to "dc.getnextdocument(doc)" outside of the If statement as below:

While Not doc Is Nothing
If doc.getitemvalue(TYPE_FIELD)(0) = ACCT_TYPE Then
strName = doc.getitemvalue(ACCT_NAME)(0)
Call doc.ReplaceItemValue(ACCT_NAME, str1 + strName)
Call doc.save(True, False)
Set doc = dc.getnextdocument(doc)
End If
Set doc = dc.getnextdocument(doc)

3. Save the agent and replace the design of your Domino Directory with this modified template.





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